Support StayLDS!

Public forum for those seeking support for their experience in the LDS Church.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2010, 14:16
Location: Pacific Northwest

Re: Support StayLDS!

Post by Roy »

Update on our financial condition!

Again, we have been supported financially by the same StayLDS member to the tune of $177.02. This means that StayLDS will continue at least until February 2026.

Our expenses are not large but still too much to ask one person to shoulder. Any additional donations of financial support are always appreciated.

We have created a paypal account to receive donations to pay for this annual fee. The paypal account is linked to the email address (This is a change from previous years as I no longer use AOL)

We tested it out and sent from one paypal account to another with no fee. If you wish to send money from a credit card then there is a fee of a little less than 5%. Also, to send via credit card you will need to open a paypal account to verify your identity.

If someone wishes to donate but does not feel comfortable with these options, please PM me and we can work something out.

Thank you,

Your StayLDS administrative and moderation team
"It is not so much the pain and suffering of life which crushes the individual as it is its meaninglessness and hopelessness." C. A. Elwood

“It is not the function of religion to answer all the questions about God’s moral government of the universe, but to give one courage, through faith, to go on in the face of questions he never finds the answer to in his present status.” TPC: Harold B. Lee 223

"I struggle now with establishing my faith that God may always be there, but may not always need to intervene" Heber13
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