I think the stigma surrounding facial hair is starting to fall away. I'm seeing more and more people in church with facial hair, even people in leadership. I'm sure people's attitudes towards facial hair, especially for people in leadership roles, is still in the realm of local ward/stake culture roulette.Bruceson wrote: ↑22 Jul 2024, 13:58 Case in point, facial hair. I know it isn't a big issue but it chaps my hide to see the bias against it. It isn't a deal breaker at all but it bothers me so much that I've outright, and politely, told my stake president that I would never shave my beard. It is a part of my identity and since there is no doctrine, anywhere, that forbids it, I won't shave just to be in a bishopric or serve in the temple.
I've never gotten any flak when I had facial hair (and I've gotten flak over things practically no one gets flak over

To hear his story, when he received the call to serve in the bishopric he notified his old Mission President (as one would do?). Their old MP asked him whether he was going to make the locals ask him to shave. He took the hint and shaved.
That was over 10 years ago, and I'd point out how it wasn't the locals that asked him to shave, it was an old MP that was probably still in that mission mode where being clean shaven is the expectation.
Since then I've seen several people in bishoprics with facial hair. I have yet to see anyone in a stake presidency with facial hair, but I suspect the day will come. I won't be holding my breath waiting on an Area Authority or higher sporting facial hair.
Sadly having a beard is no longer the "get out of having to do that calling" that it once was.