Addressing people outside this forum

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Posts: 17392
Joined: 21 Oct 2008, 20:24

Addressing people outside this forum

Post by Old-Timer »

I need to make something crystal clear:

This is not a forum to address posts or comments directly to people outside this forum - or to attack anyone, individually or as a group. This is a place to discuss our feelings and beliefs in a supportive and uplifting manner, even when our comments and discussions are passionate and diverse and deeply heartfelt. It is FINE to explore concerns and disagreements with anything, but it is NOT fine to post messages addressed to anyone outside this forum or use this forum to do so passive-aggressively. That simply is not our mission, and it can't appear to be our mission.

I deleted some comments from a recent post, and I hope, upon reading this post, the writer understands why I did so. I will delete anything else that is addressed directly to someone outside this forum - and anything that is written to condemn anyone in practical terms without addressing them directly. Please, everyone, keep our conversations among ourselves; don't use this forum to make political, theological or ideological statements to others.
I see through my glass, darkly - as I play my saxophone in harmony with the other instruments in God's orchestra. (h/t Elder Joseph Wirthlin)

Even if people view many things differently, the core Gospel principles (LOVE; belief in the unseen but hoped; self-reflective change; symbolic cleansing; striving to recognize the will of the divine; never giving up) are universal.

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." H. L. Mencken
Site Admin
Posts: 17392
Joined: 21 Oct 2008, 20:24

Re: Addressing people outside this forum

Post by Old-Timer »

I am bumping up this administrative post to re-emphasize it all these years later.

We don’t do attacks here. We try not to delete or remove posts, but we do it when they violate our core mission and foundation rules. Generally, when posts begin to stray from their appropriate beginning, we make corrective requests. If the issue continues or the post runs its course, we lock it. If a post disappears, it is being reviewed and discussed by the Admins for a formal, consensus decision.
I see through my glass, darkly - as I play my saxophone in harmony with the other instruments in God's orchestra. (h/t Elder Joseph Wirthlin)

Even if people view many things differently, the core Gospel principles (LOVE; belief in the unseen but hoped; self-reflective change; symbolic cleansing; striving to recognize the will of the divine; never giving up) are universal.

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." H. L. Mencken