Hi everyone,
I started a topic yesterday about LGBTQ issues. I was hasty in posting it here. There are details in my initial post that are not confirmed. My posting it with out verification of certain facts made it wise to remove it until further notice.
Those of you who read it, commented on it, or were effected by it. My apologies. Your comments were not the issue.
LGBTQ Thread - Removed
LGBTQ Thread - Removed
"I stayed because it was God and Jesus Christ that I wanted to follow and be like, not individual human beings." Chieko Okazaki Dialogue interview
"I am coming to envision a new persona for the Church as humble followers of Jesus Christ....Joseph and his early followers came forth with lots of triumphalist rhetoric, but I think we need a new voice, one of humility, friendship and service. We should teach people to believe in God because it will soften their hearts and make them more willing to serve." - Richard Bushman
"I am coming to envision a new persona for the Church as humble followers of Jesus Christ....Joseph and his early followers came forth with lots of triumphalist rhetoric, but I think we need a new voice, one of humility, friendship and service. We should teach people to believe in God because it will soften their hearts and make them more willing to serve." - Richard Bushman